Johnnie Mae Reeves

johnnie reeves
Funeral services for Johnnie Mae Reeves, 87, of Omaha, TX will be at 2:00 PM on Saturday, March 7, 2009 at Omaha First Baptist Church with Elder Bobby Jones officiating. Burial will be at Bell Haven Cemetery, under the direction of Reeder-Davis Funeral Home, Inc. Mrs. Reeves was born on February 22, 1922 in Morris County to Luna and John Walker and died on Monday, March, 2, 2009 at her home. She was united with the First Baptist Church at an early age and was a faithful member. She was a member of the choir, and the missions until her health failed. On August 18, 1935, she married James Reeves. To this union six children were born. She leaves to cherish her memories one daughter Betty (Elbert) Payne, Sr. of Oklahoma City; four sons Williams (Ann) Reeves of Irving, Freddie (Jean) Reeves of Cleburne, Roy (Katherine) of Cason, Henry (Patricia) Reeves of Tyler; one daughter-in-law Marlo Reeves of Ft. Worth; a special son Bennie Whetstone; one sister Wanda Lee of Dallas; 11 grandchildren; nine great grandchildren and seven great-great grandchildren; a host of special grandchildren; nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, one son Eddie Reeves, two sisters, five brothers and two grandchildren. Viewing will be on Friday, March 6th at the funeral home in Hughes Springs.

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Memories Timeline


  1. Henry and Family,My deepest sympathy to you and your family. At a time like this, look to the Lord, he will give you strength. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.Paula

  2. Roy and all of Johnnie Mae's family–Your mother was a wonderful lady and a very good friend of mine and of the whole Pope family. So was James. I have many, many wonderful memories of growing up with the Reeves family on the old dirt road south of Omaha. May the Lord be with the Reeves family is my prayer. Jerry Pope

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